How to Choose the best Hangover Kit!
Our Kooky Kits hangover kits are designed for a few different purposes and we have tried to make our range as broad as possible to cover everyones needs.
Of course if you have a suggestion to improve our hangover kits please let us know!
So our recovery kits are designed to suit a variety of budgets. Typically people buy :
These are our standard size hangover kits. They usually have around 20 items in them, some of these aimed at reducing your hangover on the morning of (electrolytes, coffee, snacks, energy boosters), some to keep you looking fly (comb, hair ties, face cleansers, general grooming products) and some to help in case of an emergency (bandaids, tampons).
These kits range from $30-$50 and many of the items are multiple use so you can get alot of value from the kits. The bags are also reusable as make up bags and washkit bags.
These are smaller versions of the premium kits. They usually have around 10-15 items and fit in a really compact pouch (very travel friendly if you are travelling light). They have the smaller, less bulky items from the premium recovery kits and they weigh less, so cost less to ship.
These kits range from $10-20 and pretty much all of the items are single use, so perfect for someone who literally just needs one night only hangover relief.
These are for our big spenders and glamorous types. They usually have over 25 items, majority are multi use and contain high quality products.
These kits are usually $75-$200 and are over 1kg, so do cost a little more to ship but trust me, they are worth it.
No matter what your budget there is a Kooky Kits hangover kit that will be perfect for you.
Birthday Party Hangover Kit
If you are planning a birthday party that is local to you we always recommend the premium kits, so you can take home the leftover items and use them again.
If you are planning a birthday party while you are away, or you need to travel for, the mini hangover kits are perfect and you aren't left with extra items to add to your luggage. They are also super lightweight, usually weighing only 100 grams.
Office Party Hangover Kit
If you are planning an office party to rival the epic Party in the movie Office Christmas Party (undoubtedly our favourite Christmas Movie ever, if you have not seen it watch it ASAP) you will definitely need the premium kits.
If you are just having Friday night cheese and wine in the office and think you might have a few too many champers, go with the mini kits. (Unless that's a regular occasion for you and then just get a premium kit so you can keep using it again and again!)
Gifts for the Bridal Party
Gifts for the bridal party are usually the premium or mini recovery kits. They provide all the items needed to ensure they can enjoy the wedding without worrying about the next day blues.
The premium and mini kits also contain supplies that might come in handy if there is an emergency at the wedding (bandaids and deodorants always come in handy).
Gifts for the Bride or Groom
Hangover kits can make great gifts for a bride or groom. Considering how much they'll have going on the next day, or that they'll want to be looking and feeling great on the way to their honeymoon - we recommend the premium or VIP kits.
The VIP kits are great if they are heading out on their honeymoon, as it means they have a perfect travel kit full of items to have them looking and smelling delicious!
Hens Party Gifts
For anyone planning a hens night, the premium kits are great for a small number of attendees, but if you have a big group the mini kits are far more cost effective.
Bucks Party Gifts
Bucks night gifts are similar to the hens party gifts - bigger groups might want to get the mini kits to keep costs down - whereas for a smaller group the premium kits are ideal.

So you're planning a party but how big is this party going to be?
A Mild Hangover
Mini hangover kits are perfect for a few too many when you're watching footy with the fam. These get rid of the worst symptoms of a hangover.
A Big Night
The girls night you planned ended up being a tequila shot fest and you may have even broken a toe somehow filming TikTok dances. You'll definitely need some extra help here. The premium kits are ideal as many of the items are designed be used BEFORE you finish your big night. The inserts tell you when is best to use some of the items so you really get ahead of a crappy hangover.
A Bender
Buy every bloody kit. You need every bit of hangover help you can get.
If you have any suggestions for other uses for our hangover kits we are all ears! Tag us on socials #kookykits @kookykits or email us